Booking Book an appointment What do you need? After excavation for, and prior to the placement of, any footings Not enough time for this service Prior to pouring any in-situ reinforced concrete building element Not enough time for this service Prior to covering of the framework for any floor, wall, roof or other building element Not enough time for this service Prior to covering waterproofing in any wet areas Not enough time for this service Prior to covering any stormwater drainage connections Not enough time for this service After the building work has been completed and prior to any Occupation Certificate being issued in relation to the building. Not enough time for this service Swimming Pool Reinforcement Inspection Not enough time for this service Swimming pool safety barriers before the pool is filled with water Not enough time for this service Retaining Wall Footing Inspection Not enough time for this service Retaining Wall(Prior to core fill) Inspection Not enough time for this service Retaining Wall Stormwater Connections Inspection Not enough time for this service Core Filling(Block Wall) Not enough time for this service Swimming Pool Compliance Not enough time for this service Next step